May 3, 2010

set up

I did a run through of set up for The Finders Keepers market with my Dad today. He's doing set up and pack up and a little bit of sales at the end of Saturday (thanks Dad!). It's a bit odd being ready for a market 4 days early. I'm usually a last minute kinda girl.


ensparkle ceramics said...

I am sooooo going to be last minute! Your set up looks fab!

loving the bunnies :-)

H x

ellie said...

Yah to your dad for helping out. Love family!
And double yah to being ready 4 days early.

posie blogs Jennie McClelland said...

How lucky, your Dad will be ace!! My father would be not so ace, can't imagine Old Man & The Sea himself (retired Naval Commander) selling patchwork, he'd be hilarious asking my customers "is it a want or a need" OMG, nooooo. Impulse buyers please!! Good luck, love Posie

bkhdesign said...

Hi Kristen, All the best at the Finders Keepers Market. Good Luck in Melbourne tooooo! Busy Busy Busy! Speak SOON!

Sue Niven said...

I had such a good time at the Stitches and craft show on Friday, I adore your designs, especially the little robot, love your work.

Anonymous said...


Bet you're glad that's all over, eh?
I've been cutting up your Matrioshka panel this evening as a reward for getting some work out of the way. Really looking forward to completing them and presenting them to my 2yo.
Good to meet you at Stitches & Craft.